Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Israel Ides of March

In the Egypt newspaper there is an article talking about protest that have been happening in Israel. When Israel took the west bank and the Gaza strip in the 1970s there were protest by the Palestinians which resulted in six deaths. After these protest Israel began it ethnic cleaning according to the article. This year Land day protest involved a death and wounded in the Gaza strip but was relatively small protest. In the next few months two more large protest days are ahead. the article talks about past protest and the violence that has taken place in them but the success that they have had. Student groups have been protesting Israel in the past weeks and their actions were commended by western countries. The article finish talking about comparing the Israel state to the Nazi and then the fall.

This article was interesting because being about protest in Israel it had a very different view than American sources. The US are one of the biggest supports of Israel and almost never commended their actions. In the US this same event would have only talked about how Israel was doing its duty to protect its borders and its interest. this article though takes the side of the protesters and supports their actions against Israel. The deaths are described in such away that the reader feels sorry for the killings and wants to do something to prevent them. Also at all points it make Israel out as a bully that just took the land from the rightful owners. This makes since as Egypt is a Muslim country that would support its fellow Muslims against Israel.

The main reason that more people should read articles like this is to see both sides of the stories. In international news we are so use to just reading the American press which is from a American point of view. Many of times we never see the other side of the issue and therefore can not act in away to solve the issue. The Israel Palestinian issue is not going to be solved over night and unless both sides talk and try to understand the others side nothing can be done. Article like this while does share the side of the Palestinian does nothing to end the cause. Israel will read this article and feel threaten and attack or increase security while supports will fell like they are doing the right thing and keep up their actions. In the end this issue will have to be solved by the people of the Israel and Palestinian without influence from other nations.

Kevin Whaley

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