In Bangladesh a storm killed one boy are caused a great deal of damage in the region. At least 1000 mud homes have been destroyed due to the storm. The waves were seven to eight feet high tidal waves that swept through the area. Also lost during the waves were hundreds cattle that were carried out to sea. There has also been reports of large numbers of crops being destroyed. Parts of the town were submerged under the waves as this area of Bangladesh is very low lying. This wave was about four feet higher than the normal tidal waves that hit this coastal area. The damage cannot be fully measured due to bad weather and flooding.
This article is important in the World news because the country of Bangladesh is one of the poorest nations in the world. Until the damage is fully seen area like this have a history of rising body counts and damage cost. When countries like Bangladesh have these large national disasters are process that was being made to better the lives of the people is but back years and all of the work must be redone. This article gives you a cool feeling for the suffering that is taking place all around the world. The article made it seem that though this was a very bad event that flooding happens all the time and the town just rebuilds. In the US if something happens like this that they whole country turns to look and help while when it is overseas in a poor nation it is just brushed aside. I feel that events like this need to be netter covered around the world instead of focusing on some celebrity’s new dress.
This article also brings into the light just how poor some countries are. Multiple times in the article they talk about mud dwelling. These are not just kids play places but these are people’s homes that they live in and need to survive. This article makes be realize how lucky and spoiled I am to live in America when I complain that my heater is not working. I never have to worry about the house getting to wet ad falling apart or where I live floods wiping away everything I have. To be this is a insight on how many people live around the world that I would have never seen before. I hope that this event gets more media coverage as people begin to see the effect it has one human life even though only one person died which is still too many.
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